message board Inflammation Around Newly Erupted Canine An impacted tooth rattled this Townie when he first posted about the case back in 2015. Now the doc returns with photos of the finished results, and we discover how the treatment worked Shwan Member Since: 08/02/10 Post: 1 of 10 Introduction: This 25-year-old patient has been in treatment for three years. The canine erupted nearly 4-5 months ago. It was a very difficult impaction. My problem is that, as you can see, there is persistent severe inflammation that will not go away despite hygiene instruction and frequent irrigation around the tooth. I've stopped all orthodontic force on this tooth for two months but I can't see any improvement at all. I also can see there is a very deep pocket along the palatal surface of the tooth and it seems that there is no attachment on that surface. The tissue is quite movable. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. It is really disappointing that after all this effort by me and the patient, I'm beginning to think that this tooth has a very poor prognosis. ■ 9/17/2015 Fenrisúlfr Member Since: 02/25/09 Post: 2 of 10 I'd recommend brushing the area with Peridex after having the GP curette it. How are you erupting the tooth? Seems like the tissue is really bunched up. A direct facial vector may not be the best choice at this stage. A Ballista spring or similar design with a curvilinear activation can provide the eruptive vector and bring bone as the tooth erupts (provided the inflammation is under control). The case below was sort of similar, deep impaction with constant inflammation and pus. Once the tooth erupted a bit more, the inflammation reduced. I would not give up on the cuspid yet. ■ 9/17/2015 dhmjdds Member Since: 11/16/04 Post: 3 of 10 22 Please tell me her 4s were extracted before you ever saw her. I can see the entire outline of the root and it appears to be out of the palatal bone and covered only by gingiva, hence the probing depth. Has she seen a periodontist since this problem has appeared? APRIL 2018 // orthotown.com