See more video advice-in action!-online The SmartBox team created a 2-minute video especially for Orthotown readers that illustrates even more do's and don'ts for dental videos. To watch, visit The best videos are about results The majority of your prospects don't want to know the details of orthodontic procedures, and a great many of them don't want to know even the broad outlines. Almost none want to see close-up shots of diseased teeth, precancerous lesions or dry sockets. They do want to know that their concerns will be addressed and that their lives will improve as a result. For your doctor videos, emphasize the benefits your patients receive from having a procedure done-pain relief, a confident smile, clearer speech, improved aesthetics. You can also emphasize the experience your prospects should expect while in your practice. Every dental practice needs a certain number of "Gee, the team and Dr. X are so wonderful" videos. But your prospects with specific needs want to hear how patients with similar problems benefited from your efforts and how their lives were bettered. Those condition-specific testimonials will go much further toward attracting new patients to your practice. You don't have to spend a fortune on video recording and editing equipment to produce quality videos. Something on the level of a GoPro camera with a directional microphone and a tripod will meet most orthodontists' needs. 54 JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2018 // orthotown.com