Go pro or go home If you have a passion for video, and you've always fancied yourself as a writer, director and editor, you'll likely find a great deal of satisfaction in arranging, conducting and editing your own video shoots. However, you won't make a single dime while indulging your Hollywood side. Orthodontists make money by seeing patients and solving their crooked teeth or bite issue. Your testimonial videos-if not your own videos-will almost certainly be shot during office hours, and you can't treat patients while you're directing a video shoot with multiple takes and anxious "talent." At best, effective doctor and patient testimonial videos get you more patients to make money on. That's why this is one area where the vast majority of orthodontists will do better to outsource their videos to professionals. The upfront cost may seem high, depending on the video production company you choose. But you only have to think about your average case value and how many new patients you need to recoup that expense and begin making more money. Good video will always pay for itself. n orthotown.com \\ JANUARY\FEBRUARY 2018 55http://precisionplierservice.com http://www.orthotown.com