poll PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Orthotown's monthly poll helps you see how other practices operate- what's working, what isn't-and how orthodontics is evolving. The information we gather helps us measure the trends of the profession. This poll was conducted March 23-April 27 on orthotown.com. Are you happy with your practice management software? 5 7 % 3 9 % 4 % Yes. No. I don't use any. Which area is most challenging for your office? Marketing (new patients, growth, etc.) 44% Finance (controlling overhead, collections, etc.) Employees (retention, training, etc.) 36% Patient communication (scheduling, phone systems, etc.) 30% Weekly Where are you most likely to go for practice management information and help? 22% No 96% Yes Practice management consultant or company 26% CE courses 12 9% Monthly Do you have an office manager? 4% 11% MAY 2018 // orthotown.com Is there a standard operating procedure book or an office manual for the practice? 33% 27% Peer or colleague No 19% Journal or magazine articles 73% Yeshttp://www.orthotown.com http://www.orthotown.com