message board Class II with Severe Mandibular Deviation-Treatment Options A patient with a multitude of complications has this Townie looking for options 3Mortho Member Since: 11/18/07 Post: 1 of 4 The patient is a 23-year-old woman with extracted lower right first molar and second bicuspid. The upper right first molar and bicuspids are significantly supraerupted and lower right second molar is severely lingually inclined with vertical bone defect. Because of traumatic contact, the mandible is shifted completely to the left and the patient has a significant facial asymmetry, as well as a cant of the occlusal plane. She is skeletal Class II with deep bite and protrusion of maxillary incisors. According to the X-ray, there is not enough space to place a mini implant on the buccal side to intrude the supraerupted teeth; one can be placed palatally. I would be very grateful for your opinion about treatment options. ■ 8/13/2019 How would you treat this patient? Doctors share their opinions all the time on Orthotown's message boards, including on treatment questions like this Townie posted. How would you treat this patient? To share your opinion, see what other doctors are saying, and to check in on other cases, visit 22 OCTOBER 2019 // orthotown.com