Great Lakes ComfortTrackâ„¢ Material - Designed Specifically for Clear Aligners High Performance. Superior Comfort. Exclusively from Great Lakes, ComfortTrack is a revolutionary, multi-layered material made specifically for clear aligners. Its unique elastomeric inner layer generates ideal initial force and fatigues less over time. Compared to standard clear aligner plastics, Great Lakes ComfortTrackâ„¢ multi-layer material: 2500 ComfortTrack's elastomeric properties 1075 410 500 The result? Superior patient comfort and more effective aligners. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 DAYS OF WEAR * Force Retention at 37 Degrees Celsius GREAT PEOPLE. GREAT PRODUCTS. GREAT LAKES. 800.828.7626 ComfortTrack_Ad_Orthotown_8x10.875.indd 1 Full Page.indd 49 SMPP726Rev020520 To learn more, visit 4500 > Retains 150+% greater force on day seven FO RC E * (G F ) > Generates 40% less initial force for reduced patient other clear aligner material 2/5/2020 3:36:55 PMPM 2/6/20 2:03