AcceleDent is the only FDA-cleared vibratory device that has clinically proven its effectiveness with 3 RCTs. It increases the predictability of clinical outcomes and enables orthodontists to treat even complex cases with aligners. Furthermore, AcceleDent speeds up tooth movement by up to 50 %* and reduces pain and discomfort. INITIAL FINAL Case presentation by Dr. Sam Daher from Vancouver, Canada (Case ID: 037) ESTIMATED TREATMENT TIME 28 MONTHS ACTUAL TREATMENT TIME WITH ACCELEDENT 14 MONTHS 50% less time Diagnosis: Class I/III, Crowding, UL5 crossbite, Anterior crossbite Aligner change routine: 7 days Mechanics: - Significant maxillary arch length discrepancy and crossbites resolved with arch expansion and labial tipping Focus: substantial upper crowding with palatally crowded premolar * Lobre et al.: Pain Control in Orthodontics Using a Micropulse Vibration Device: A Randomized Clinical Trial. The Angle Orthodontist, 2015. Make complex cases less complex For more case presentations and information: RZ_Acceldent_Anzeige_8x10_875_inch_04.indd 1 Full Page.indd 49 03.12.199:48 13:55 2/14/20 AM