message board \ It took a lot of patience to treat this case. It is worth trying to save any tooth. Worst-case scenario, the tooth would have been extracted but bone would have been preserved in the process. We were fortunate that root resorption was minimal and bone was preserved. The patient very much appreciated having his natural tooth during adolescence. Mom is now starting orthodontic treatment! ■ 5/3/2017 Gotitstr8 Member Since: 04/01/09 Post: 2 of 6 28 Very nice. I agree that you have little to lose and much gain with this approach. Do you have any progress photos showing the bulge of the crown on the gingiva? It is a great service to the kid and his family. I suspect that many orthos would not attempt this. I think it is always worth a shot as long as risks are relatively low and understood by all. I used similar reasoning when using guided eruption of a horizontally impacted lower canine crossing the midline. Although there was risk of resorbing the roots of the incisors, I felt the benefit outweighed the risk and was always ready to extract if that became an issue. Attached gingiva was not ideal, but far better to have graft rather than implant. Another point is the treatment fee. It is difficult to charge appropriately in cases like this. I only add $500-$1,000 to the fee, not enough to really compensate for the time, but due to the NOVEMBER 2020 // OT1120_MB3_Impacted.indd 28 10/27/20 9:14 AM