office visit What are your professional and personal goals for 2021? What do you hope the new year brings? My professional and personal goals for 2021 are to travel more, both for continuing education and leisure. What advice would you give to young orthodontists just getting started in the field? Be unique! It's easy to find someone who looks successful and try to copy them. However, the most successful orthodontic practices are those that express the owner's personality. People are drawn to authenticity and once you find that, no one will be able to copy it successfully. Be flexible and don't be afraid to try new things. Don't just step outside of the box, live outside the box. Always consider your molar occlusion before extracting teeth, and don't turn a restorative problem into an orthodontic problem. Trust the skills of your high-quality local general dentists. n 24 DECEMBER 2020 // OT1220_Battle_Office-Visit.indd 24 11/24/20 11:10 AM