Office Visit Now you've been in practice together for 16 years-what are some of the benefits of working with a partner? To what do you owe your success over the years? CC: Working with a partner is great. We love bouncing ideas and treatment plans off each other. He's a lot smarter than I am, so I get most of the benefit of those conversations! JS: People ask us all of the time about our success working together. I think the key is that neither of us is too proud to be wrong or to learn from the other. We are open to constructive criticism and respectful debates. We continually want to learn and get better and it doesn't matter where the idea comes from. How do you manage your time evenly across the four practices? How far away are they from one another? JS: We rotate to all of the offices and so does our team. We practice together one or two times per week to calibrate and discuss complex cases or cases that we want to see together. Our furthest locations are about an hour from each other, and our closest are 20 minutes away. How do you divvy up the responsibilities among the two of you? CC: That's the easiest part of our partnership. We both lean toward certain aspects of the practice where we have the most interest: Jeff is a nuts-and-bolts guy and I'm more of the " What can we do that's fun and unique? " type. We joke that our practices would look so much different if we practiced separately. We have a pretty good balance. We both know what our strengths and weaknesses are and we trust each other's judgment. 40 APRIL 2022 // orthotown.com