Inside Column A VOICE IN THE ARENA 38 A Clear View of the Future Dr. Jeff rey Miller, who's world-renowned for his use of CBCT in orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning, reviews how the information derived from CBCT will change the way doctors evaluate finished orthodontic results. SHOWCASE SPOTLIGHT 28 | PRACTICE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE With so many practice management software options on the market, how can you determine which will be the best fit for your practice? Our roundup compares and contrasts the off erings from more than a half-dozen of the biggest names in the industry. 46 | PERSONAL BESTS Casey Bull of The Invisible Orthodontist explains the importance of humanizing practice e-communications and shares suggestions on how to master the tone and content of these important messages. 52 | THE SUCCESS FORMULA Three years into opening his startup practice, Dr. Andrew Sarpotdar was making more money than he had at any other point in his life ... but he believed he was not only failing but also losing ground every day. Rather than giving up on his practice, Sarpotdar instead decided to recalibrate how he was measuring success and satisfaction. 60 | TRAINING CHAMPIONS Scheduling Institute founder Jay Geier explains how practice owners can take their teams from " good " to " better " to " best. " 10 | SELFISH MOTIVES OF A CONTRACT ARTIST Dr. Chad Foster, Orthotown's editorial director, explains how a small number of cases elevates his performance in all the other projects in his practice. How can readers find a consistent level of passion and curiosity in what they're doing clinically? Departments 14 | NEW PRODUCTS 15 | INDUSTRY NEWS 16 | POLL: OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 26 | PRODUCT PROFILE: PRECISION ALIGNER BUTTONS 64 | AD INDEX Message Boards 20 | TREATMENT PLAN SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE A failed RCT leads this doc to an impasse-but Townies off er solutions. 24 | RESULTS YOU CAN ACHIEVE WHEN YOU HAVE A GREAT PATIENT TO WORK WITH A pro bono case illustrates what patient compliance and creative planning can accomplish. APRIL 2023 | 2 | ORTHOTOWN.COMhttp://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM