in this issue: contents DEPARTMENTS 8 A Voice in the Arena Bite Ramps, Part 1: Class 2 Bite Ramps Orthotown Editorial Director Dr. Chad Foster discusses how strategically positioning and shaping bite turbos has been a huge gamechanger in clinical effi ciency at his practice. 12 13 14 48 36 FEATURES M40oneyball Marketing Casey Bull, director of global content and community for The Invisible Orthodontist, discusses orthodontic marketing trends that are likely to carry through 2023-and possibly even longer. 44 A Goal Without a Plan Is Just a Wish You've probably heard the aphorism " a goal without a plan is just a wish, " but not many people know how to set goals and plan the actions that help achieve them. Scheduling Institute founder and CEO Jay Geier sets out the steps to take to determine your goals, then create detailed action plans that allow you to achieve them. 4 DECEMBER 2022 // It's Goal Season! The end of the year is when orthodontic practices ought to be thinking about their goals for 2023 and determining the most impactful strategies and tactics to reach them. Discover how practices can use data to guide their decision-making, including how to use higher-view perspectives to examine practice growth. Industry News New Products Poll: Digital Imaging Ad Index MESSAGE BOARDS from L16eveling Curve of Spee on Continuous AW Without Proclining Incisors Townies debate whether a particular treatment approach could be possible. E 20ctopic U3s Buccal to 2s in Mixed Dentition Member of Orthotown's online community discuss which teeth might need to be extracted for this case. O22ne F/T Employee Per $200,000 Collections? The more things change, the more they stay the same ... and relevant. More than a decade ago, Townies were having trouble fi guring out how many employees their practice needed-and having even more trouble fi nding good ones.