ULTIMATE CHAIRSIDE CORRECTION APPLIANCE CS® 5 SPRING Instant Loading Constant Force TWIST-LOCK PIVOT Simplified Installation One-Piece Design *Shown with a Slimline Class II & III Corrector SELF-LIGATING PIVOT Reduce Chairtime Simple Installation MAGNETIC ALLEN PENCIL Safer Placement Quick Installation Simple, Effective, Proven The DynaFlex® exclusive CS®5 System delivers noncompliance treatment for your toughest Class II & Class III cases. The CS® System creates instant and consistent force levels, providing a smoother, more constant force that performs better and lasts longer. Join the thousands of doctors worldwide that use the CS®system and enjoy incredible results. www.dynaflex.com | 866.346.5665 111522 © DynaFlex®, Lake St. Louis. Printed in U.S.A. CS Traditional Pivot-Patented by DynaFlex D794,804. CS Self-Ligating Pivot-Patented by DynaFlex D848,001. CS Twist-Lock Pivot-Patented by DynaFlex D940,878 S. CS Hybrid Screw-Patented by DynaFlex D749,737. SCAN TO LEARN MOREhttp://www.dynaflex.com