Offi ce Visit What's the toughest part of practice as a new owner? Because I grew up immersed in my father's practice, I came in pretty familiar with how private practice works. My husband does make a great therapist to help me sort through all the dental offi ce drama, though! For real: He offers great insight with things like management and critical and logical thinking. Do you have a favorite patient case or story? I have so many, it's hard to pick one! For example, I still have patients who come from the city. I also love treating all of my friends and family in Highland Park. One of my favorites is a woman named Hina (pictured at left), who was one of the fi rst patients to come through my Highland Park offi ce door. She sat in tears in my 44 JULY/AUGUST 2022 // consult room with Kelsey and me talking about how self-conscious she was about her smile. I explained to her the process, she started treatment that day, and we used Invisalign to close her spacing, align her bite and give her the smile that she was dreaming of. She has since referred more patients than we can count on our hands. Any advice for doctors who are thinking about remodeling their practices? * Do it! You won't regret it. But do your research and have a detailed plan. * Size matters. Establish nonnegotiables. And don't let anyone tell you what you need. You do you! * Work with the right professionals. (Apex was amazing.) * Dolly Parton said it best: Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life. ■