poll Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code above to go straight to this month's poll questions about practice management software. The fi nal tallies will appear in the July/August issue of Orthotown magazine. For indirect bonding, do you send out or do it in-house? Where do you purchase most of your clinical products? I44%n house D96%irect from dental companies S56% end out 4% Online from nondental sites (e.g., Amazon) What percentage of your treatments involve traditional ortho (brackets, wires, etc.)? What is your preferred bracket type? 59%More than 75% 1% Less than 25% 26%5-50% 16 JUNE 2021 // orthotown.com 72% Twin 34%50-75% O1%ther C4% ombo A8%ctive SL 15%Passive SLhttp://www.orthotown.com