danbraces Post: 2 of 8 4/14/2023 You might want to consider buccal shelf TADs. Chad Foster Post: 8 of 8 4/30/2023 It sounds like his only immediate concern is the socoortho Post: 3 of 8 4/14/2023 Are you saying that molar intrusion will offset the mandibular growth? upper laterals. I would consider simply lengthening them via composite bonding. You could do it in less than 10 minutes chairside. He will be happier and likely more apt to wait until he is done growing to determine the proper treatment, which is the best call here. danbraces Post: 4 of 8 4/14/2023 Yes, I would get mounted casts and simulate distalization of lower molars and see how the bite closes. Follow this ongoing case online! Are you curious to see how this one plays out? This work in progress may have an update just waiting for you online. Head to orthotown.com/magazine to check out the latest posts, updates and more. Don't forget to post a comment and share how you'd approach this case! RapidHeat ADVANTAGE THE HIGH-VELOCITY HOT AIR (HVHA) I M M E D I A T E I N S T R U M E N T T U R N A R O U N D HIGH- VEL OCIT Y HO T AIR S TERILIZERS RapidHeat™ technology provides lightning fast, waterless and maintenance-free processing of wrapped and unwrapped instruments. No more wet packs or instruments, or the potential for contaminated lines or water reservoirs. Instruments come out dry and ready for immediate use. FOR MORE INFORMATION, VISIT CPAC.COM. NO WATER * NO DRYING * NO CORROSION * NO MAINTENANCE Half Horiz.indd 1 JUNE 2023 | 19 | ORTHOTOWN.COM FREE FACTS, circle 16 on card 3/22/23 2:44 PMhttp://www.orthotown.com/magazine http://www.CPAC.COM http://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM