Inside Departments 54 CONTINUING EDUCATION Permission To Intercept In Part 1 of a two-part CE series, Dr. Michael K. DeLuke contrasts the current symptom-driven approach to interceptive orthodontic treatment with a new approach that focuses on diagnosing and treating the etiology of the malocclusion. 26 | MANAGING MISSING U2S WITH CLEAR ALIGNERS Dr. Jonathan Nicozisis discusses the " ain't my problem " technique he has used to address missing upper 2s while treating patients with clear aligners. 34 | HEAT ADVISORY Dr. Christos Papadopoulos shares six tips that can help position a startup practice for success even before it opens. 40 | BEATING BURNOUT A recent message board post garnered almost 500 responses about people feeling burned out. Flint Geier recaps some of the most common symptoms of burnout and how orthodontists can incorporate specific tools to help them avoid or pull themselves out of the burnout trap. CONTINUING EDUCATION 44 | GOOGLE ANALYTICS 4: WHAT ORTHODONTISTS NEED TO KNOW NOW On July 1, Google will end its decade-old Universal Analytics tracking program, which means website owners who want to track data through Google will need to switch to its new Google Analytics 4 program. Dr. David A. Wank explains the key differences between UA and GA4, some of the data migration pearls and pitfalls, and more. Column A VOICE IN THE ARENA 10 | RPE, CAPLIN HOOKS AND NIGHTTIME ELASTICS Dr. Chad Foster, Orthotown's editorial director, discusses the use of Caplin hooks and nighttime elastics to assist rapid palatal expansion in some patients. JUNE 2023 | 2 | ORTHOTOWN.COM 16 | POLL: ALIGNERS AND AESTHETICS 22 | PRODUCT PROFILE: FASTBRACES 24 | PRODUCT PROFILE: DENTALMONITORING 64 | AD INDEX Message Boards 14 | INDUSTRY NEWS 15 | NEW PRODUCTS 18 | CLASS 3 GROWING PATIENT A doc aims to proffer treatment for a patient going through a growth spurt, but first asks for Townie feedback. 20 | MAXILLARY MIDLINE SHIFT Townies discuss treatment mechanics to help the OP get things moving.http://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM