Managing With Clear Unconverge converging roots using the " AMP technique " Missing U2s Aligners BY DR. JONATHAN NICOZISIS M anaging missing U2s (upper laterals) is a challenge on many levels. Concern for cosmetics is a foremost worry, with potential breakage of a crafted pontic as a close second. When thinking about using aligners for such cases, the logistics of managing a pontic with a removable orthodontic aligner appliance can make one's head hurt. Historically, approaches and techniques for clear aligner patients have involved tooth-colored paint or PVS material to be placed in each aligner. These procedures are labor-intensive for the doctor or staff, and color match is technique-sensitive because mixing stock colors to match a patient's tooth shade can yield inconsistent results. Current paint options are often opaque and irreversible once placed. PVS material is porous and eventually stains. Tooth-colored wax is practical, but still the patient must be edentulous when removing aligners to eat or drink. As orthodontists, we often feel responsible for providing a cosmetic, good-performing solution. JUNE 2023 | 26 | ORTHOTOWN.COMhttp://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM