Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code to go to this month's poll questions about bonding, brackets and wires. The fi nal tallies will appear in the April issue of Orthotown magazine. Do you offer a discount for cash payments made in full at the start of treatment? Do you collect the fi rst payment when you recommend treatment (or have the second consultation)? Y 70%es: 5% or less 25%Yes Y 14%es: 5%-10% N75%o, after this step Y 5%es: More than 10% What's the most common form of retention in your offi ce? 11%No discounts Do you offer and advertise treatment acceleration options? 81% 43%Clear B8%onded 41% Mix A8%crylic No, we do not offer this service/technology Y19%es, if the patient meets the criteria D65%igital fi les 21% Both 14% Stone models \\ MARCH 2022 17 Do you use stone models, digital scans or both?