message board Challenging Case This Townie needs help on an inherited case that was unsuccessfully treated with Invisalign SZFN Member Since: 12/29/21 Post: 1 of 15 ■ 1/26/2022 dhmjdds Member Since: 11/16/04 Post: 2 of 15 SZFN Member Since: 12/29/21 Post: 3 of 15 Yes, tough case. Could we have some details and context, please? ■ Inherited this case. A round of Invisalign was done with no success. Not surprising. I'm thinking of various treatment plans. Want to do an RPE, followed by a distal jet. Hold off the lower arch until space is created for upper 3s. UL5 looks like a probable extraction. Not sure if this is a smart plan. Class III grower. Inform parent that this is a potential surgical case. Thoughts? ■ 1/27/2022 dhmjdds Member Since: 11/16/04 Post: 4 of 15 Invisalign!? Who thought that was appropriate? Are the parents made of money or something? I don't think there is a chance in the world that you can get both upper canines and the UL5 into this arch. Even just the canines is unlikely. How old is the patient? ■ 1/27/2022 SZFN Member Since: 12/29/21 Post: 5 of 15 He is 12ish. Invisalign treatment for this is beyond my understanding. I have seen some cases with great distalization with a distal jet. I was not a believer either until I saw some cases. What would you do? ■ 1/27/2022 christjl Member Since: 02/07/13 Post: 6 of 15 Can you post your records as three separate images? Photos, ceph and pan? I cannot manipulate the image and really see what I want to see. Are there siblings? What has their growth been? If not, what do parents look like? ■ 1/27/2022 dhmjdds Member Since: 11/16/04 Post: 7 of 15 What I think is really interesting is that his facial profi le photo looks nothing like what it " should " look like, given the skeletal problem. ■ 1/27/2022 1/27/2022 26 MARCH 2022 // orthotown.com