Inside Departments 6 | CONTRIBUTORS 12 | INDUSTRY NEWS 14 | NEW PRODUCTS 16 | POLL: BONDING, BRACKETS AND WIRES 23 | PRODUCT PROFILE: ORTHOVOIP 48 | AD INDEX 40 | RELAPSE ORTHODONTISTS WANT TO SEE Dr. Andrew Sarpotdar introduces readers to the members of Relapse, an all-orthodontist band scheduled to perform at this year's American Association of Orthodontists Annual Session. 42 | CASE STUDY: HYRAXHALTERMAN APPLIANCE A case study from Dr. Chris Teeters discusses his use and manipulation of the Hyrax-Halterman device. 44 | PUT THEM ON THE RIGHT PATH Diana Weaver, chief operating officer of Shimmin Consulting, explains how practice owners should update their hiring and onboarding protocols to help find and keep great employees in a competitive job market. Message Boards 18 | UNILATERAL DISTALIZATION- FAVORITE METHOD? Townies list their go-to approach for specific spacing issues. 20 | WHO'S OUT FIRST? Docs discuss who goes home first at their practices-the owner or the employees. 22 | TIPS BEFORE STARTING RESIDENCY? Column A VOICE IN THE ARENA 10 | BITE RAMPS USED FOR ANCHORAGE Editorial director Dr. Chad Foster shares a few cases in which he's using bite ramps as anchorage. MARCH 2024 | 4 | ORTHOTOWN.COM A young Townie starts a valuable discussion on future planning and expectations. Jump in with your advice and suggestions on this freshly posted thread!http://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM