poll Scan here to take this month's poll! Hold your phone's camera over the QR code above to go straight to this month's poll questions about insurance. The fi nal tallies will appear in the June issue of Orthotown magazine. If you've worked with a pediatric dentist before, do they generally follow age 2 and age 7 guidelines from the ADA and AAO for referrals? 22%Yes 39% No 39%I'm not sure How often do you engage in Phase I orthodontics? A56%nytime the option is viable I38% n select cases R6%arely or never Would you ever want to share offi ce space with a dental specialist or GP? 56% No 44%Yes Have you ever reached out to a pediatric dentist in your area to begin a referral relationship? What do you feel is the greatest barrier to pediatric referrals? 11%Time 72%Yes 28% No C 83%ompetition (pediatric dentists doing ortho) L6%ack of interest 18 MAY 2022 // orthotown.comhttp://www.orthotown.com