message board Antagonistic Parents Townies discuss why some parents become upset and aggressive, and how to mitigate their concerns SZFN Member Since: 12/29/21 Post: 1 of 8 dhmjdds Member Since: 11/16/04 Post: 2 of 8 I am shocked at some unreasonable parents. Just joined a DSO practice after spending 10 years in a solo practice in GP. Why is there such a huge difference in mentality? It's not really OK. ■ Have any interesting examples? Not sure what you are seeing in your current practice that you did not see in the previous situation. * Are they being " unreasonable " about appointment times? Treatment length? Type of braces/aligners/whatever? Cooperation? Oral hygiene? * Are they complaining to you or staff? * Is the socioeconomics/demographics of the new practice signifi cantly different from the old? SZFN Member Since: 12/29/21 Post: 3 of 8 * Are there some systemic issues in the new practice that need to be changed? ■ I would say it's a bit of all of the above, except for the type of appliances (braces/aligners). The 4/11/2022 4/8/2022 parents and patients (not a majority) seem to voice animosity very openly. I don't think I would ever speak to a doc like that. I do want to emphasize that it's a handful of patients like that but enough to ruin one's day. ■ 4/11/2022 charlestonbraces Member Since: 06/05/09 Post: 4 of 8 It's happened to me every time I inherit patients. Parents are pissed. A DSO environment can be a revolving door. I sympathize with their frustration but if they continue to be [jerks], I have no problem switching from a sympathetic, easygoing person to the authoritative doctor. If they continue to be belligerent, I sit them down and explain that their disruptive behavior is a sign that there is a lack of trust that our offi ce can provide them quality treatment, and that they would be better served by a referral to another doctor. I have only had to do it once. ■ 4/11/2022 SZFN Member Since: 12/29/21 Post: 5 of 8 I agree. I actually said and documented the exact same words you have used. That there is a lack of trust and in the best interest of the patient, and he is better served elsewhere. Yes, the DSO environment and revolving door are a recipe for unpleasant situations. I give all the docs who have successfully worked in such an environment an A-plus for tolerance and nerves. I need a course on that! ■ 4/11/2022 30 MAY 2022 // orthotown.com