PRODUCT PROFILE PARTNER CONTENT MyCad Bands and MyCad RPE The art and science of laser-sintered appliances M any orthodontists are expanding their practices with laser-sintered appliances. Th is new product off ering has sparked a love-hate dynamic among professionals with a " once bitten, twice shy " reaction. Th e technology can seem godsent; however, if the delivery procedures aren't properly followed, offi ces tend to conclude the product is not eff ective as a value-added option. Th e level of implementation for this product can be just as diverse as the types of treatment philosophies available today. While laser-sintered appliances might not be a sure thing for all treatment plans, some patients respond extremely well. Knowing how to properly implement this technology is the key to using this valuable tool. With Cottonwood Orthodontic Lab's MyCad Bands, MARPEs and RPEs, clinicians can streamline the fi xed appliance process by removing the need for a separator appointment for the delivery of fi xed appliances (or a TAD-fi rst approach) to the MARPE. For more information, visit MAY 2024 | 19 | ORTHOTOWN.COM http://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM