How do you handle screenings and first consultations? Are you still meeting with patients (or potential patients) virtually? 12%Yes 65%With a treatment coordinator W4%ith an assistant 22%Other 9%Solo Do you use orthodontic diagnostic software? 44% Yes 12% Only in some cases Do you offer a discount for cash payments made in full at the start of treatment? Do you offer and advertise treatment acceleration options? 88% Yes; discount of 5% or less 12% Yes; discount of 10% or less OCTOBER 2024 | 13 | ORTHOTOWN.COM Y38%es, if the patient meets the criteria 44% No 56%Yes 44%No; after this step W38% e never did any virtual meetings 50%No Do you collect the first payment when you recommend treatment (or have the second consultation)? N62%o, we do not offer this service/ technologyhttp://www.ORTHOTOWN.COM