Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 5)

When Workouts you are accustomed to using the treadmill every time you work out, try the bike, elliptical trainer Don't Show Results or rower to increase your heart rate. In addition, completing a comprehensive strength-training program will not only make you stronger, but will Q : Although I make regular visits to the gym, increase your lean muscle mass, which helps reduce I've noticed that my midsection continues to fat throughout your body, including your stomach. grow. I've cut back on sweets and have increased As with cardiovascular training, completing the my weekly gym appearances, but I still haven't same strength-training routine day after day will made much of a dent in the tummy spread. Any not allow you to progress. Find new exercises, take suggestions? a group exercise class or hire a personal trainer to add variety. Consulting a fitness professional is a A :Your concerns are shared by many exercisers great way to find ways to modify your workouts who try to eat well and work hard in the gym and help push past training plateaus. but don't always see the results they desire. There are several factors that could be keeping you from

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006

Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006

Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 1)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 2)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 3)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 4)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 5)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 6)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 7)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 8)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 9)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 10)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 11)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 12)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 13)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 14)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 15)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 16)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 17)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 18)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 19)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 20)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 21)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 22)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 23)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 24)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 25)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 26)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 27)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 28)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 29)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 30)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 31)
Community Connection - Werstern Edition - May 2006 - (Page 32)