system can be too soft. In addition, thicker floors are more difficult to install ... which is where the contractor comes in to play. Any product is only as good as the contractor installing it. In summary, the weight room flooring world has changed dramatically since I first started in the industry in 2001 ... and that's a good thing. Technology has allowed the product options to get better. Listening to the needs and desires of strength coaches has pushed our product innovation to new levels. Sports design and construction companies have helped us discover ways that a weight room floor can play an important role in the overall mark and character of the building. And sports flooring experts have become better sports flooring experts. At the end of the day, the sports flooring expert will determine whether you're happy with your weight room floor or not. Find someone that you trust, that represents a reputable product line with multiple options, that will stay involved throughout the installation, that makes your priority list their priority list, and that has references that you can call (just like you would if you were looking to hire a new employee). Find that person, and you should be good as gold with a finished product that you will be proud of. WE REALLY DO. The Leaders in Functional Training & Sports Performance Equipment for Over 30 Years 530-38227 PB_2021_Ad2_7x4875_CAD.indd 1 To learn more, call or click: 800-556-7464 | Choose #107 online COACHAD.COM 13 1/13/21 11:27 AM http://www.COACHAD.COM