Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 5

Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO
Sponsorships, continued
Additional Floor Sticker
Company logo will be printed on one 36 " x 36 " floor sticker and
placed in a high-traffic area around the main event space.
Aisle Numbers
4ft x 8ft displayed aisle numbers with company logo in each aisle of
the main hall. These will be extra-large and highly visible and utilized
by all attendees at the Expo multiple times per day to identify aisle
locations throughout the main hall.
Bag Sponsor
Event bags dual logo'd with the company logo and Expo logo
provided for all attendees for use throughout the event and as a
complimentary gift to take with them.
EXPO Evening
The re-imagined Expo Banquet, a complimentary event for all EXPO
attendees offering light refreshments, hard cider and an evening
of networking, awards and celebration. Event is located in The
Ambassador Ballroom within Amway. Sponsoring company will
have signs on each table, company name in the event title, social
media recognition and a chance to provide a video highlighting the
company to be played at the event.
Premier Booths
20x10 Booths 901 & 900 or 701 & 800 located in the main entrance of
the main hall and at the forefront of main street.
Education Session
Companies will have their logo shown on its own slide before the
educational session and be listed as the sponsor of that session in
the program and on the session signage at the door.
Grand Gallery Large Meter Board Ad
Companies can provide an approved ad or information to be printed
on a large 38 " x90 " double sided display to be placed in the Grand
Gallery. These ads will be seen by every attendee multiple times per
day, having 15,000+ impressions before the Expo concludes.

Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet

Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 1
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 2
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 3
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 4
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 5
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 6
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 7
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 8
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 9
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 10