Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 8
Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO
Sponsorships, continued
Registration Desk Sign - Company provided logo and booth location will
be displayed prominently on the front of one of the registration desks in the
Grand Gallery. These logos and booth locations will be seen by every attendee
multiple times per day, having 15,000+ impressions over the 3 day event and
will ensure attendees can easily locate your booth.
Education Session Sponsor - Companies will have their logo shown on its
own slide before the educational session and be listed as the sponsor of that
session in the program and on the session signage at the door.
Coat Check Sponsor - Company provided logo will be displayed on a large
sign at the coat check as sponsoring our complimentary coat check, which is
highly utilized by attendees throughout the event.
Floor Sticker - Company logo will be printed on one 36 " x 36 " floor sticker and
placed in a high-traffic area around the main event space.
Expo Pre-Registration Brochure Ad - Companies will be able to provide a half
page, full color ad to be printed in the Expo's only physical registration mailing.
This brochure will be received by over 5,000 fruit, vegetable, farm market and
greenhouse farmers.
Water Cooler Sponsor - Company logo will be listed on large sign as
sponsoring water coolers for use by attendees, located in 10 different areas of
the event space.
Education Session Sponsor - Companies will have their logo shown on its
own slide before the educational session and be listed as the sponsor of that
session in the program and on the session signage at the door.
Floor Sticker - Company logo will be printed on one 36 " x 36 " floor sticker and
placed in a high-traffic area around the main event space.
Expo Pre-Registration Brochure Ad - Companies will be able to provide a
quarter page, full color ad to be printed in the Expo's only physical registration
mailing. This brochure will be received by over 5,000 fruit, vegetable, farm
market and greenhouse farmers.
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 1
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 2
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 3
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 4
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 5
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 6
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 7
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 8
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 9
Great Lakes EXPO Exhibitor Booklet - 10