So after the whirlwind of the bustling sport season, as someone working in athletics, you are faced with a relaxing, calm summer, right? This downtime is your golden ticket to think of areas within your athletic department that need improving. This is your window to explore opportunities to take your program to the next level. Ignore it now, and you will be kicking yourself later. Get the ball rolling now and spare yourself the migraine of scrambling to finish everything by the time your student athletes return from the summer. Now let's talk about your strength and conditioning crew - or the coaches who write workouts for your athletes. If they are still stuck in the Stone Age writing programs with pen and paper, it is time for a reality check. BRINGING SPORT SCIENCE PRINCIPLES TO THE MASSES Implementing scientific principles within your athletic program 3 Picture this: a weight room where paper goes extinct and workout data is collected with a few button clicks. Imagine sending workout routines straight to your athletes phones all summer long. And wouldn't it be sweet to effortlessly keep tabs on athlete fatigue and recover? Well, guess what? There is!