FRESH VIEWS continues until they end. The plants are continually sprayed with water, and the continual change from water to ice releases a few degrees of heat that protects the flowers and fruit from freezing temperatures. However, this method does not work well under low water pressure and/or high wind conditions. Peach floral stems were sprayed with nanocellulose compounds (thin, white film) and were evaluated for freeze tolerance in the cold hardiness laboratory in the Department of Horticulture at the University of Georgia. Photo by Dario J. Chavez. Alternatively, wind machines mix the air during a freeze event where the air above the orchard is warmer than the air next to the ground. Yet this method is There is a Berkeley Pump to fit your growing needs: irrigation, packing shed or green house. Call us for a FREE product catalog website: e-mail: (877) 396-1956 toll free 11291 Lakewood Blvd., Holland, MI 49424 FRUITGROWERSNEWS.COM | 23 http://www.FRUITGROWERSNEWS.COM