Going Vertical As you enter the cannabis growing market, it is critical to evaluate production systems that will offer efficient production. By Tucker Cole I ndoor vertical growing has been a hot topic, in both the cannabis and leafy greens industries, over the past several years. As the cannabis industry continues to grow at a substantial rate, the equipment behind the growing is as well. Successful growers have turned to a combination of a racking system, grow light solution, environmental controls and a clean production schedule to help alleviate the worries of breaking into the cannabis world. RACKING SYSTEMS Benching becomes unique once a grower decides to scale up. Many factors need to be considered: Irrigation pressure and drainage need to be planned out to not allow flooding of the tables below, electrical needs to be carefully protected, and lastly the rack needs to hold hundreds of pounds. LumiGrow BarLight for flowering cannabis. 2020 GUIDE TO CANNABIS PRODUCTION 3