Chat Room How did your 2018 mum sales compare to 2017? 25% Up 58% Same 17% Down What other crops did you grow in in the fall? 1. EDIBLES 2. PERENNIALS 3. PANSIES AND VIOLAS 4. HOUSEPLANTS AND TROPICALS 5. SUCCULENTS How did your 2018 poinsettia sales compare to 2017? 15% Up 70% Same 15% Down 10 FEBRUARY 2019 GPNMAG.COM Editor's Note: In January, we began sending out a monthly survey to our readers on a variety of topics. Chat Room is the new monthly feature that reports those survey results. This is a perfect venue to get to know your peers and where you stand in different categories. Do you have a question you want us to ask? Contact managing editor, Jasmina Dolce, at This month we wanted to find out what growers were producing in the fall months of 2018? We also wanted to find out how their 2018 mum and poinsettia sales compared to last year. What is your favorite poinsettia variety to grow and sell? Why? 'Prestige Red' FROM DÜMMEN ORANGE Easy, good strong branching and even, rich color " It is a great color, nice shape, predictable growth habit and it is sturdy " Easy to program and has a good shelf life " Christmas Series FROM SELECTA ONE A real crowd pleaser " Dependable genetics " Performs well in the heat and is a nicely shaped plant " 'Maren Pink' FROM SYNGENTA FLOWERS I really like the rich salmon/pink color " A tried and true performer, uniform and great color " Princettia Series FROM SUNTORY Clear and bright colors in pink and white " It is a great addition to the regular-size poinsettias but gives a lot of flower power especially in a 6-inch pot for tabletop poinsettias " 'Leona' FROM BEEKENKAMP I like the reds that scream Christmas " 'Leona Red' 'Christmas Morning' 'Princettia Dark Pink'http://www.GPNMAG.COM