MARKETING 'Pocahontas Red Rose' from Dümmen Orange 'Leading Lady Plum' from Walters Gardens using Monarda bradburiana genes, the Leading Lady Series has greater mildew resistance than traditional cultivars, and an earlier bloom time. Monarda bradburiana also passes on the trait of dark dots on the flower petals, an attractive detail to add interest. Zoltan Kovacs: More compact varieties have been developed. Better mildew tolerance. And less vernalization is required to flower new varieties. Regina Coronado: More compact plants, therefore height control is seldom necessary. Better branching. More powdery mildew tolerance. More even blooming within the series. The new series don't lose the lower foliage like the older genetics did. GPN: How can growers and retailers capitalize on the monarda category? Hans Hansen: Walters Gardens offers a nice selection of compact and mid-height cultivars in two different input sizes for growers to choose from. They are best potted up the season before, finished and vernalized and then shipped or displayed in garden centers just prior to flowering. Zoltan Kovacs: Offer monarda as a summer perennial in different container sizes all summer. Focus on attributes of monarda: scent, performance, great landscape usage, bee and hummingbird friendly pollinator plants. 26 FEBRUARY 2021 GPNMAG.COMhttp://www.GPNMAG.COM