New Teammates New Series Penny™ Pro Viola Produced for performance . High level of uniformity across entire series, ensuring a consistent and cohesive display at the right time. Highly programmable and designed to perform well in both spring and fall. New Variety Syngenta Flowers 2 Page Spread . The next generation of sunflower offering continuous blooms and up to 12 weeks of color in the garden. Increase sales and profitability with this premium price-point item, with proven sellthrough above 90%. New Series iCandy™ Begonia Sugar coated color . Large double flowers in vibrant, bright colors set against dark chocolate foliage. Ideal for quarts and larger pots, iCandy flourishes in part sun and shade, making it a great choice for adding color on porches and patios. Sunfinity® Yellow-Red Bicolor Helianthus Endless Blooms. All Season Long.™