CULTURE REPORT Centaurea 'Silver Swirl' Make a bold statement in landscape and combo designs for 2024 Centaurea 'Silver Swirl' from Darwin Perennials. Photos courtesy of Ball Horticultural Company. BY CHRIS FIFO n a garden center and a world full of color, what is it that really stands out for consumers? What catches the browsing gardener's eye that differentiates itself in the sea of choices? What makes a retail display draw the attention of the skeptical shopper? The answer is silver. Adding silver in a landscape design reflects the sunshine and glows in the moonlight. In a mixed container, the color silver can be used in every type of combination you could think of. As a standalone, it crafts a bright border or shines as an interesting specimen. In short, silver goes with everything! To that end, Darwin Perennials has launched Centaurea ragusina 'Silver Swirl' as a stand-out addition to the I 48 JANUARY 2024 GPNMAG.COM silver foliage market. With its thick, rubbery textured leaves - I call it a " Hobby Lobby " plant - and bright silver-white foliage, which doesn't green and seems to only get brighter in the summer heat and light, 'Silver Swirl' is a unique addition for homeowners to choose for brightening their landscapes or patios. 'Silver Swirl' could also be used as an indoor pot crop. Darwin Perennials has completed some trials and found this variety holds up well for up to four weeks indoors. How do you suppose this would look grown in a 6-inch pot with a red sleeve as a Holiday crop? 'Silver Swirl' grows to about a 12-inch mound in northern climates where the growing season is shorter and can reach 18 to 20 inches in southern climates.http://www.GPNMAG.COM