INTERN OF THE YEAR The sensory garden at Planting Fields Arboretum. Photo by Asael Salgado. Rose arbors cover a path at Planting Fields Arboretum. Photo by Theodore Salgado. " It's nice to have production on site, but we outsource a lot of plants as well. I learned a lot about the importance of the horticultural industry and how it plays into public gardens, " he said. With career aspirations of becoming a director for a public garden someday, Salgado saw firsthand the benefit of a community beyond the garden. Mix your way to stronger plant sales. Adding Soil Moist to your potting soil mix is the ultimate boost for healthy plant sales. Soil Moist water-management polymers help produce strong, vibrant plants that require less water and labor - a growing solution that delivers real advantages: * Reduces plant waterings by 50% * Ideal for hanging baskets and container plants that dry out quickly * Helps improve your margins and controls costs * Decreases plant loss - at the retail level * Improves plant shelf life - reduces customer returns Save money and improve your product: Soil Moist is the choice for your business. Learn more today at Call 800.962.4010. Free Hang Tags available for your treated plants GREENHOUSE PRODUCT NEWS 9