CAST 2024 Petunia 'Akila Sunset Shades' | PanAmerican Seed dark raspberry making it look like a mixed container and not one plant. Flowering timing and growth habit are uniform across the Shake series. There's so many fun coleus colors and shapes on the market. Kientzler's new for 2025 variety, 'TerraScape All That Jazz,' is a UF Coleus Breeding Program release that will make small container production easier for growers. Pinching will encourage branching to keep it container and basket worthy at retail. All That Jazz brings multiple colors and shades in each leaf creating its own combination. PanAmerican Seed offers beautiful mixes of osteospermum, although 'Akila Sunset Shades' looks like a combo on its own. The flowers move through the shades of a sunset: yellows, oranges and reds. Supplied as seed, Sunset Shades has a 4-5 week plug crop time and finishes from transplant in 10-12 weeks for spring production and 7-9 weeks in the fall. GREENHOUSE PRODUCT NEWS 23