Chat Room The labor force is changing; what have you noticed in your operation within the last year? More than 37% of respondents say it is HARD TO FIND WORKERS 14% are using more H-2A workers Have you been able to hire all the workers you needed in the last year? 46% HAVE NOT BEEN ABLE TO HIRE the workers they needed last year Read more about labor challenges on page 16. Have you made changes within your operation to address labor availability issues? Tell us about them. 45% 40 of respondents have made changes such as: Offering flexible schedules Increasing pay Adjusting product offerings Using more automation Using more H-2A and H-2B labor MARCH 2023 GPNMAG.COM Hiring more part time and seasonal workers when needed Do you keep up with the latest in plant breeding and new varieties that come out? 47% SOMETIMES Read about breeding innovations on page 18. TAKE OUR CURRENT SURVEY AT 53% YES Editors' Note: Each month, we send out a survey to our readers on a variety of topics and report the results here. Chat Room is a perfect venue to get to know your peers and where you stand on different issues affecting the industry. Do you have a question you want us to ask? Contact managing editor, Heather Machovina, at This month, we asked you, our readers, about greenhouse supplemental lighting, changes in labor and plant breeding. Is supplemental lighting used in your greenhouse production? 56% YES! 52% LED OF GROWERS SAY OF GROWERS ARE USING LIGHTING Are you interested in upgrading your current lighting system to a more advanced or energy saving option? 24% OF GROWERS WANT TO UPGRADE Read about lighting advancements on page 10 and finding your best lighting solutions on page 12. What type of lighting do you use? http://www.GPNMAG.COM