2024 CALIFORNIA SPRING TRIALS CAST NEW VARIETY PREVIEW Breeders provide a peek at what's in store for new varieties at California Spring Trials 2024 AMERICAN TAKII BALL FLORAPLANT BY HEATHER MACHOVINA I can't wait to share the new varieties and trends breeders are showcasing this year at CAST. We will be visiting every location and every breeder to find out what options growers will have for new and improved genetics - available for 2025 production. Be sure to read our June and July issues to get the best coverage of new varieties and trends at California Spring Trials. As I patiently wait for CAST to start, I reached out to the breeders and asked for a first look at some of the new varieties they will be presenting during the event. There were many gorgeous options to choose from, so here's a sneak peek. BENARY Nasturtium 'Baby Red' Angelonia 'AngelFlare Black' Nasturtium 'Baby Red' produces vibrant red flowers and joins the other two Baby varieties, Rose and Orange. The series features plants with a unique mounded shape and are perfect for small gardens and containers. A brand-new series of spreading angelonia that is outstanding in combinations and hanging baskets. 16 MARCH 2024 GPNMAG.COM AngelFlare is more upright than AngelMist, and will launch with three colors - including an incredible true black that gets even darker as it matures. Ideal for seasonextender and pollinator programs. The first white bronze leaf within the interspecific begonia class gives an impressive contrast between white Begonia 'BIG White Bronze Leaf' flowers and dark leaves. Extraordinary flower power and very uniform plant habit. Has slightly smaller flowers compared to other BIG varieties. A great variety for home gardens. Medium-sized cherry tomatoes are produced on an indeterminate plant with a heavy fruit set. The tomatoes resist cracking and have an excellenthttp://www.GPNMAG.COM