2024 CALIFORNIA SPRING TRIALS SYNGENTA FLOWERS tight production. Available in five colors to launch the series: Blue, Magenta, Red, White and Yellow. Get ready to experience Bluephoria - an exciting breakthrough blue variety in the Sun Parasol Original XP series from Suntory Flowers. This mandevilla is selfbranching, loaded with blooms and has bushy, attractive foliage. Pink buds open to mesmerizing shades of blue. Genetically compact and tidy for small pot and pack production requiring less PGRs. Ornamental kale 'Bright and Early' colors are clean and crisp, coloring up early and offering a shorter production cycle to a wider range of growing conditions. Ornamental kale 'Bright and Early' GET THE MOST CAST COVERAGE Join our email lists at gpnmag.com FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA for daily posts during event days! Mix your way to stronger plant sales. Adding Soil Moist to your potting soil mix is the ultimate boost for healthy plant sales. Soil Moist water-management polymers help produce strong, vibrant plants that require less water and labor - a growing solution that delivers real advantages: * Reduces plant waterings by 50% * Ideal for hanging baskets and container plants that dry out quickly * Helps improve your margins and controls costs * Decreases plant loss - at the retail level * Improves plant shelf life - reduces customer returns Save money and improve your product: Soil Moist is the choice for your business. Learn more today at www.soilmoist.com. Call 800.962.4010. Free Hang Tags available for your treated plants GREENHOUSE PRODUCT NEWS 21http://www.gpnmag.com http://www.soilmoist.com