40 UNDER 40 Alicia Rihn ASSISTANT PROFESSOR UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE Dennis Riling CHIEF REVENUE OFFICER iUNU SEATTLE, WASHINGTON Accomplishments: * Earned her Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota addressing communication and marketing between consumers and horticultural products. Her research is used by the industry to align products and promotions with customers' needs and expectations. * Selected to be a participant in AmericanHort's HortScholar program while she was in graduate school. Her Hobby is Horses: Alicia is an avid equestrian and has been riding since she was 10 years old. " I love the mechanics and concentration it takes to understand how different aids will impact the horse's movement and how to properly communicate with the horse to get the results you want. " Book on Her Nightstand: " The Black Prism " by Brent Weeks. " I love sci-fi/fantasy books and this book is the first of a series that takes the reader on a great adventure. " Accomplishments: * Helped develop the Veteran Organic Farming Program with Delaware Valley University and the Rodale Institute to help veterans find their place in the world after their military service. * Started Veg-e Systems, a vertical, hydroponics farming R&D company in 2012. * Helped develop the horticulture lighting division at Illumitex. A Valiant Vet: Dennis is a former Marine who is always looking for ways to give back to the community and others, like developing a community-supported agriculture program or contributing to the world's food security and sustainability. After Hours: When he isn't working, Dennis says he is a " closet artist, " he also likes to read and grow bananas in his " home food forest. " Congratulations JESSICA! " American Takii would like to congratulate Jessica Cudnik for being selected to the GPN Forty under 40 Class of 2022. Jessica has worked hard to build our Product Management process and connect our customers with the best products in the industry. We are fortunate to have Jessica with us at American Takii and we look forward to seeing what the future will bring for her. Keep on growing Jessica! " TAKII.COMhttp://www.TAKII.COM