VARIETY INFORMATION Snapdragon 'Potomac Dark Pink' NEW GREENHOUSEGROWN CUT CROPS Expand Options for Growers Breeding companies continue to fill the pipeline with new cut flower varieties to meet surging consumer interest. What will you be growing in the coming season? BY DAVE DOWLING E very year, a few new cut flower crops appear on the market. Usually new introductions are an improvement on an existing variety, or a line extension of new colors added to an existing series that has shown its popularity and success over the years. Truly " new " cut flowers are few and far between. One such crop is Ranunculus Butterfly from the Japanese breeder AYA Engei, which was introduced several years ago. Another remarkable " new " cut flower would be the Scoop Scabiosa from Danziger in Israel. Both are recent introductions to the cut flower world, and both have added new colors to their series in 2022. If you are looking to expand your lineup of cut flower varieties, below are a few you may want to consider. RANUNCULUS Ranunculus Butterfly is an interesting crop. Started from tissue culture, the root or corm looks like traditional ranunculus, but all comparison ends 42 MAY 2022 GPNMAG.COM Ranunculus 'Butterfly Thiva'http://www.GPNMAG.COM