CALLING ALL INTERNS The winner of the 22nd annual GPN/Nexus Intern Scholarship will receive: * A check for $3,000 * His or her photo on the cover of GPN * An article about him or her in GPN * An expense-paid trip to Cultivate'21 - July 10-13, 2021 * A full Cultivate'21 registration, compliments of AmericanHort To be considered, applicants must meet the following requirements: * Enrolled in a 4-year accredited university during 2019-2020 and 2020-2021. * Working on an undergraduate degree in floriculture/horticulture. * Completed a greenhouse internship in 2020. If all requirements are met, applicants should send the following to the email address on the right: * A cover letter stating what university the applicant attends and requesting consideration for the scholarship. * A letter of recommendation on university letterhead from the applicant's academic advisor. * A minimum 1,000-word essay describing the intern experience including who the applicant interned for, what his or her responsibilities were and what the applicant learned. Essays will be judged by a panel of industry experts on the quality of the experience, knowledge gained and the ability to describe the experience. gpn GREENHOUSE PRODUCT NEWS 2020 GPN/NEXUS INTERN of the YEAR GPNMAG.COM JANUARY 2020 GREAT AMERICAN MEDIA SERVICES Deadline: October 16, 2020 Please submit all application materials to: thodson@greatamericanpublish.comhttp://www.GPNMAG.COM