G E Meadowbrooke Gourds Accepting preorders for 2022 Thank you so much for your support in 2021. We are sold out of our collection for this year, but we are accepting preorders for 2022. Lock in 2021 prices, guarantee your order, and choose your ship date for 2022! You will not be invoiced until shipment. Preorder today or sign up for order reminders by emailing sales@mbgourds.com SHOP WHOLESALE: wholesale.mbgourds.com * 717-776-3470 * sales@mbgourds.com Circle 179 GIFTSHOPMAG.COM 25 C S R E A L F T I N 1 S C M N 9 I I 9 S 5http://wholesale.mbgourds.com http://www.GIFTSHOPMAG.COM