THE GREEN THUMB TREND REPORT Plant aficionados have an eye for beauty - and this array combines charm and practicality while paying homage to nature and its splendor. 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 1. Tropical Monstera Doormat. DHOME Brands. 2. Snail Hoop Earrings. Bang-Up Betty. 3. Distracted by Plants Baseball Cap. Primitives by Kathy. 4. Recycled Pot Covers. burton + BURTON. 5. Cotton Garden Gloves with Plant 32 FALL 2024 GIFT SHOP® PLUS Markers. Transpac. 6. In the Garden Necklace. Bella Vita Jewelry. 7. Powered on Veggies Tote Bag. Snorty Morty Designs.