INSPIRATIONAL & QUOTABLE FROM THE HEART 2 1 3 4 These gifts speak for themselves, offering uplifting and motivating messages to brighten someone's day. 5 6 7 1. Inspirational Mugs Primitives by Kathy. Circle 130. 2. Snap Signs P. Graham Dunn. Circle 131. 3. Farm Trays Mud Pie. Circle 132. 4. Do Epic Sh*t Acrylic Wall Mirror 4ArtWorks. Circle 133. 5. Touch of Color II Strength & Courage Dicksons. Circle 134. 6. Direction Notebook Denik. Circle 135. 7. What I Knead Stress Relief Dough 3HARMONY. Circle 136. 8. I Am Divine Soy Affirmation Candle Adoratherapy. Circle 137. 9. Positive Affirmation Pillows Peking Handicraft. Circle 138. 20 SPRING 2023 GIFT SHOP® PLUS 8 9