Seasonal Decoration at its best January 24 - 28, 2020 Top: Hydroponics, aquaponics and organics facilitate sustainable growing on the farm. Middle: Hydroponics and aquaponics play an important role in growing crops with an eye on water conservation. Bottom: Products from FarmHouse Fresh are created with natural ingredients sourced at the farm or through local sources. Circle 345. and certified organic products sweep you in to love at first sight. They're freshly batched using local farm ingredients, and are charmingly packaged. We are a spa treatment line, which means our collection has been tested by our internal estheticians, massage therapists and spa guests. Our fresh ingredients and formulas have an immediate effect Tel. +1 770 984 8016 Here you'll fi nd the widest range of seasonal and festive decorations. We look forward to seeing you! Circle 433 GIFTSHOPMAG.COM 143 70237-023_CW_allgemein_Gift_Shop_Magazine_85x246 * FOGRA 39 * CMYK * js: 12.08.2019 DU: 11.10.2019 USA http://www.GIFTSHOPMAG.COM