Orlandi Statuary Fiberstone is a combination of fiberglass with a mixture of sand and stones cast into the surface. It is followed with carefully handpainted stain to give the appearance of aged stone. The advantage of Fiberstone is its reinforced fiberglass backing, which keeps the piece lightweight and less fragile than concrete. It is also easier to move compared to identical concrete products and safe for year round outdoor use. Visit our Showrooms Atlanta Building 2-The Gardens- 9th Floor Space #9-C-106 Dallas: WTC- Space #318 High Point: Suites @ Market Square- G3024 Las Vegas: Las Vegas Market Center - The Light Garden- Space C0656 Minneapolis: CJ's Cottage - Green #441 Minneapolis Mart - 10301 Bren Road West, Minnetonka, MN 55343 Established in 1911 www.orlandistatuary.com info@orlandistatuary.com Phone: 773.489.0303 Circle 183 @orlandistatuary orlandistatuary www.facebook.com/orlandistatuaryhttp://www.orlandistatuary.com http://www.facebook.com/orlandistatuary