The next generation of sunfl owers with endless blooms, all season long. Sunfi nity® produces hundreds of cuttable blooms for up to 12 weeks in the garden, compared to other sunfl owers that bloom once and fade fast. These bright, cheerful blooms adorn vigorous, branching plants that attract pollinators, birds, and wildlife to anyplace outdoors. Plant Sunfi nity in sunny garden beds or large patio pots for a season of radiant, sunny blooms. Visit www.mysunfi for a list of retailers and gardening ideas to make the most of your Sunfi nity Sunfl owers. For more information and availability on Sunfi nity Sunfl ower seeds or young plants from our trusted plug network, contact your preferred sales representative or broker partner today. 855-630-3139 * www.syngentafl All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. © 2022 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents and/or Utility Patents and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. The trademarks or service marks displayed or otherwise used herein are the property of a Syngenta Group Company. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Circle 152 LGRMAG.COM | 81http://www.mysunfi http://www.syngentafl http://www.LGRMAG.COM